We sat down in candid conversation with Briana Pegado, author of Make Good Trouble to find out her inspirations and top tips for trouble-makers. The book is being released April 9th 2024 and is available for pre-order now.
What do you hope readers will take away from Make Good Trouble?Â
I hope readers will take away the courage and confidence to step into their own energy and to better understand it. This book has been written to help people make connections, learn from my experiences, and hopefully have a deeper understand of how beneficial disruption can be. For the people out there who feel that disruption is constantly in their wake, may they feel reassured that this is not a mistake or a fluke, but incredibly intentional — it is part of the fabric of why they are here on this earth. Ultimately, this book is a framework for all of us to live in a more peaceful world, filled with authenticity, if we are all brave enough and courageous enough to shake things up.Â
Give us one tip for taking care of your own energy.Â
A big part of taking care of our own energy, is the capacity to recognise what is our energy and what is someone else’s energy. Protective tools are a good way to practice this discernment. Whether that’s crystals that we carry with us, or taking a moment to cleanse ourselves of lingering energy in the shower, there are many ways we can protect our energy.Â
One of my favourite tools is imagining a warm white light all over my body that acts as protective shield. I visualise this before leaving the house. Another simple way I protect my energy is through using an essential oil blend every morning. I take a moment to breathe in the smell and apply it to my pressure points. It is a little ritual that grounds me, and something that can be returned to throughout the day. I use ritual oil blends from my friend Brooke at Black Moon Botanica in Edinburgh, but you can use any blend that appeals to you, or even one you’ve made yourself.Â
What does goddess energy mean to you?
Goddess energy means channelling the energy of the goddesses, who are incredibly powerful beings. Through their power, they enable us to remember our own power. Studying them, performing rituals in their name, and asking them for support, opens their energy to all of us. By focusing on a certain goddess through meditation and asking them questions; or wearing colours, objects, and talismans that represent them, they can guide us and protect us on our journeys. Some goddesses find us at pivotal points in our lives, so it is important for us to incorporate them into daily rituals and begin to build that relationship.Â
To me, goddess energy means power, but power that enables us to better understand ourselves and our role in the world. They can remind us of different aspects of ourselves and of the world around us. If we trust them, they can show us the entire nature of the universe.Â
How can energy catalyse change in society?
Change in society only happens by catalysing change, in other words, organising and bringing people together under a clear set of values. It is through movement, supporting one another, and daring to question the world around us, that we can cause a flow of energy and bring about change. However, changing society requires us to start with ourselves. It is only by daring to look inwards, at ourselves, our families, our communities, that change can begin. By making positive choices at an individual level we can change our inner world, which reverberates through wider society.Â
Who do you see as the ideal reader of Make Good Trouble?
The ideal reader for Make Good Trouble is anyone curious about making good trouble. For readers who often feel out of place in their families, workplaces, and friend groups. For those led by their principles and values, or anyone looking to live in closer alignment with these values. For anyone who has been part of movements for change, or leaders in movements for change. This book is also for the curious reader and those led by their intuition. This book is for the bold; the certain and the uncertain; for the seeker with a long relationship to energy, and the seeker at the start of their journey. This book is for anyone interested in changing their life gently and incrementally. This book is for everyone.Â