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October 18, 2023


To celebrate World Menopause Day on 18th October, we are offering 50% off four key health titles. The purpose of the day is to raise awareness of the menopause and the support options available for improving health and wellbeing. It’s our hope that all four of these books will do just that, helping to spread information and joy about this phase of life. 

The Happy Menopause by Jackie Lynch

As no two menopause journeys are identical, this highly practical and accessible nutrition and lifestyle guide enables the reader to build a bespoke menopause diet that specifically targets their symptoms, with the minimum of fuss and effort.
The Right Bite by Jackie Lynch

A practical guide to help people navigate the minefields of everyday eating and make healthy choices when nutritious food is not easily available – such as in coffee shops, office lunches or the cinema
Your Pelvic Floor by Kim Vopni

This is the first pelvic floor health book aimed at ALL women, including trans women, outlining the importance of understanding your pelvic floor and how it impacts on overall health, fitness and wellbeing for life – not just around pregnancy and childbirth.
Get Your Mojo Back by Clio Wood

A frank guide to an under-discussed feminist topic: sex after birth. Enables women to reclaim their sexuality and improve their mental and physical wellbeing in motherhood.

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